Course Leader: David Sharp

Venue: The Multi-Faith Centre, 47 St Helen’s Street, Ipswich, IP4 2JL
(We intend to repeat this course at other venues around Suffolk)

Next course starts: Tuesday 10th September 2019 (tbc)

Time: 10:00 AM till 12:00 noon

Frequency: Fortnightly for 6 sessions

Aim of the course

To develop a deeper understanding of the religious traditions which are present in our increasingly diverse society and to become better equipped to build meaningful relationships within it.

Learning outcomes

·       To understand key terms such as theology, spirituality, philosophy, ethics, secularism.

·       To be able to describe and evaluate the role religion and spirituality play in modern society.

·       To be able to explain, compare and contrast different traditions and life stances.

·       To be able to explain ways in which religions may be in tension with each other and with secular society.


This course will benefit anyone who has a desire to become better informed as a British citizen in our rapidly changing society and could be of particular interest to those with leadership roles of various kinds.


This course will be lecture based with many opportunities for discussion.  Participants will be encouraged to do assignments and they may be able to achieve credits for work submitted.