Affiliate Groups can request to use the Centre subject to the following conditions.

1)     The Centre may be used by an Affiliate Group at any reasonable time provided that it is available and that usage occurring during the opening hours of the Funeral Service on the ground floor is for quiet events

2)     Requests for regular use of the Centre shall be addressed to the User Committee via the Warden.  The User Committee will ensure fair and equitable use of the Centre.

3)     Requests for occasional use of the Centre shall be directed to the Warden who shall agree the start and finish time of the usage.  The request should indicate the usage purpose and the number of people likely to be attending.

4)     Affiliate user groups will be invoiced annually for their affiliation fee and quarterly for their usage fee.

5)     Users shall enter the premises via the door at the rear of the building and make their way to the first floor via the main staircase.  During office hours, users are requested to not to loiter or engage in conversation in the ‘common areas’

6)     The responsible person from the group shall ensure that participants do not trespass into restricted areas of the building.

7)   The ‘responsible person’ shall ensure that the names of all people attending the event and being present in the centre are recorded.

8)     The entry door at the rear of the building shall be kept locked unless it is controlled by the Warden or a delegated member of the using group.

9)     Users have access to the first floor toilets.

10)     At times when the funeral service is operational, there is no parking on site.  Outside funeral service hours, parking at the front of the building may be used on a first come basis by individuals attending a meeting in the Centre.

11) At the conclusion of any meeting, the responsible member of the group must ensure that the Centre is left in a clean and tidy state.

12) There is no permanent facility for provision for refreshments in the Centre but a hot water urn will be available in the Resources Room and users are welcome to use this to prepare hot drinks using disposable cups, tea coffee, milk, etc. which they themselves provide.

13) Users will be expected to transfer any refuse they generate into the waste skip located outside the building adjacent to the main entrance to the building.

Any group which is found to be abusing its use of the Centre or ignoring any of the above conditions shall be referred to the User and Management Committees who may deny the group further usage of the Centre.